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And it tastes so bad, it got me blogging again. A warning to all my campus-mates, do not try (seriously...I'm not applying the reverse psychology technique here) the ramen at Taman Pekaka.
I ordered Chizu Ramen and it cost me RM 6.90! Super expensive for a student like me in a town like Parit Buntar. I thought, " It's alright, maybe it's delicious," --- NOT! My Chizu Ramen, which sounds cute, was just a normal size ramen with a slice of regular size cheese, a piece of seaweed, and 1 half of an egg, with the egg yolk missing in the soup. The soup was so bland that it made the cheese tasted overly salty, even for a fan of cheese. And where is the meat?? RM 6.90 and there is no meat at all?!!

Even burger ayam special which costs less than RM 4 has chicken patty, egg and cheese.

Sales orientated business will not survive long, especially in an area where 80% of your business must be from university students. Words have been spreading among us that your ramen is not edible at all...

As future Spock said, "Good luck." Period.
I just can't refrain myself from blogging this time. Minutes ago, I found out someone in my class named himself with a rather uncommon English name (can someone enlighten me on the meaning behind the name 'Esmond'?)...and it kept me thinking, why would someone name oneself so....well, extraordinarily?!!
Remember the times when we were in primary school and we were teased and being called names? Then, we would blame our parents for giving us such peculiar names. The truth is our names are specially chosen for us and they are perfectly fine, pretty names. Kids are just creative creatures. They can make your name rhyme with almost everything in the world!!I once named myself over some pop idol...and I find myself really, really stupid for doing that. I now realised that my birth name is the second best thing that my parents had ever given me (the first would be my birth, of coz), and I'm just so proud of it.
So, to those out there who were or still are constant victims of name callings, try to appreciate your name given at is a luxury that some could not have. And to those who are adopting an English name, please choose a proper one so you will be my target for name calling.
Ahh....It has been a while since I have been here. It's just so good to be back =)I have just had two weeks of horror...projects, assignments,FYP proposal...they were so heavy, they could even kill Hercules!! Phew, glad that's over (or has it just begun?)I will be pretty busy weeks ahead with more homework and more procrastination *blek*...but I shall not abandon blogging...NEVER!! So, stay tune to more updates from me ;)
Busy busy busy...busy playing, not busy studying...lolWent to the Pikom PC Fair in Penang last Friday. It was filled with people (with and without mask), good looking ladies *ahem* and good bargains...but I did not buy anything thou. I have a strong feeling that I will be spending a lot this month. Better save for rainy days =PWe watched G.I. Joe after that. It was just OKAY for me. Enjoyed the (mediocre) action but that's all the movie has to offer...really dissapponted!
Alright, better start working on my project, assignments and FYP proposal now. To make things worse, mid-sem break was used to replace the H1N1 break...what a bummer!! (>.<)
I do not know what's the situation in other places but for Ipoh mali folks, Mega Sale is more important than their own health. Hard to blame them, I was not wearing my mask either.
So Round 1 definitely has to go to Mega Sale.

There were really cheap stuffs up for offer. I was so attracted to the mountain of RM 10 shirts. Really tempted to dive in and help myself to some nice piece but I just couldn't pass my conscience.
The last time I bought RM 10 shirts, I had to show the glory with 3 other strangers in my campus. Since then, the shirt has never seen light again. Better not anger other RM 10 shirts =P
I guess for young people like me *grin*...branding is a very important thing. You don't wanna be wearing the same shirt as everyone else, do you?? (Unless you are still in school...sorry about that)
So here is a recap on today's result:
Mega Sale 1-0 H1N1
Branding 1-0 Mountain of Cheap Clothes
Stay tune for more fixtures next time!

I finally went out with my family today after 2 days of self-quarantine at home...Ahh, nothing tastes better than the smell of freedom (which btw smells exactly the same as polluted city air)
I wore a mask, thinking it is the 'in' thing right now...but how wrong I was. Being the only one donning the infamous mask and people looked at me as if I am the sole survivor of Raccoon City.
Well, I don't mind the looks really. I just thought of it as a good marketing tool. Kinda cool to have people finally looking at me...

Oh god, I am having a runny nose now. The mask wasn't doing a very good job..hmpf!
Finally got back home at 4pm...phew! What a turnaround! I was only expecting an industrial visit and a quiz today. What were missing are robots battling each other and Mikaela running, I guess.
We were required to undergo a medical clearance before being released by USM. I was there at 9.30 am and the crowd was already like this:
It's really a recipe for disaster if you ask me;1. Gather everyone at the cafe...2. Put an infected person in the middle of the crowd...3. And voila, you have a whole campus of zombies! Well done...I bet you'll be a getting a recruitment call from Osama soon.According to USM, there are still no H1N1 cases in USM. Those 20 people downed with fever are just having Influenza Like Illness (ILI). I am no doctor, so can any medical grad confirm the existance of this illness? Or is it really just a cover up? hmpf!
I really hope it is just ILI instead of H1N1...I mean, cases like this can't be kept under the carpet, can they?
Sigh, now I need to monitor myself closely as my classmate is already a confirmed case (of ILI, I hope)

Source: USM Tangguh Kuliah di Kampus Kejuruteraan